Access denied on view editing

milo's profile image milo posted 1 year ago in General Permalink


I use Heidi on my office and home pc. When I create a view in my home pc I cant edit and save that view in office pc. And vice versa. The error message which appears is following :

SQL Error (1227): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

How I can overcome this problem

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

You probably connect with different users from your both PCs, and the view's security is probably set to "definer". You can try to set security to "invoker" instead. Alternatively, use the same user on both PCs.


milo's profile image milo posted 1 year ago Permalink

I connect with the same user name on both pcs. I tried to set invoker instead of definer. Same problem persists

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

Are you sure you're using the exact same user on both systems? The user "root" often exists several times, with a different hostname. So root@localhost is different user than root@% for example.

milo's profile image milo posted 1 year ago Permalink

I am sure that I am logging with the same username for both of pcs as you see the screen capture. But in one pc definer is epsilon@%, in the other one epsilon_epsilon@localhost How I can make sure that both of the definers are same?

1 attachment(s):
  • Screenshot-2023-07-14-at-21.01.23
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 year ago Permalink

You are editing the same view from two different clients, and the view shows a different definer then? Sounds crazy.

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